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Sturebadet has age limit 18 years
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Health is the most important asset we have and something that we need to cherish and look after. We can provide you with all the help you need to feel great both now and in the future. Our specialist clinic is located in clean and modern premises right in the beating heart of Stockholm. Everyone is welcome no matter whether in a private capacity or in connection with a health insurance plan.


We are proud to offer the broadest range of specialist physicians anywhere in Stockholm with doctors covering a whole 15 different specialisms. That’s in addition to physiologists and health coaches. We have our own facilities for taking samples and conducting analyses so there is no need to make separate visits to another clinic for blood samples, 24-hour blood pressure readings or cardiac arrhythmia monitoring, etc. Most things can be done directly at our clinic without the need for long waiting times. We also offer medical examinations, vaccinations and medical advice ahead of foreign travel.

Health Subscription

Our Health Subscription provides you with a highly extensive and very thorough medical health examination each and every year. Your personal physician will walk you through your test results and help draw up a health plan for the year. The same doctor will also be available to see you at the clinic throughout the year and at no extra cost. At the start of your subscription we will use DNA analysis, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound technology and an exercise ECG to take an all-encompassing snapshot of your general health.

Corporate Health

We take proactive, preventative and remedial actions in order to prevent and where necessary treat all kinds of mental and physical ill health. Our specially trained team will take good care both of the individual employee and the wider health of your workforce.

Sturebadet Läkarmottagning
Opening hours
Monday- Friday 06.30 - 22.00
Saturday - Sunday 08.30 - 20.30
Age limit 18 years
Opening hours
Find us
Sturegallerian 36
114 46 Stockholm
Phone number 08-545 015 00