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Sturebadet has age limit 18 years
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Sturebadet is singular because there is no other place that resembles this exclusive and historic spa in the heart of Stockholm. But the emotions it inspires are many and varied. We have a unique heritage in our hands to manage and we are very proud of that. Every day we do our utmost to make your experience of Sturebadet, our services and service first-class in every way. As our guest or member, every visit should be a pleasure for all the senses.

It is with genuine joy that we can state that there is no other spa in Sweden like Sturebadet. Because only Sturebadet can offer a holistic concept in health and well-being. We lead the quality development in spa treatments, mental relaxation, diet and exercise that form our four cornerstones and form the basis of our existence. In line with these cornerstones, Sturebadet's specialist doctor's surgery, which is located next door to Sturebadet, offers preventive services such as health check-ups, individual health plans, DNA analysis and ultrasound and much more. The result is that you can come to Sturebadet with all your questions concerning your health!

We realize the magnificence of our history, but at the same time we are a spa that lives with its time. It is noticeable in everything from our exercise machines that are of the latest model to our spa products from Kerstin Florian that are developed with the latest technology and innovative methods. We embrace the present while nurturing our unique heritage. This means that we will remain Sweden's leading spa and health company also in the future.
Opening hours
Monday- Friday 06.30 - 22.00
Saturday - Sunday 08.30 - 20.30
Age limit 18 years
Opening hours
Find us
Sturegallerian 36
114 46 Stockholm
Phone number 08-545 015 00